Alfonso is dope! Hes one of the coolest guys I've
met. He loves hanging out with us and learn. Hes solid. He already talks
about being baptized and with my companion going home in 2 weeks we are
gonna milk that as much as possible! haha. Hes so cool. He will just
randomly call us sometimes just to talk to us. Hes cool and s even
thinking of serving a mission! But craziest thing happened!!!!!!!!!!! So
the Storm came like Friday night outta no where! It was right before we
were about to go to sleep. It was nuts. Nothing like i had ever seen
before. Lightning filled the sky in all sorts of colors like red and
green. Trees were getting wrecked! But we went to sleep cuz we gotta be
obedient. Then the next morning came and there were trees every where.
Just like torn right outta the ground and then come to find out people
lost power? Yeah for some reason we were one of the few buildings to
keep power. (Tender Mercy) As we go driving tons of stop lights are out.
Its pretty humid to so everyone is outside just like chilling. We head
over to the church and the church is out... we call the bishop and the
stake presidency cancelled church in our building. We were freaking out
cuz Investigators need to go to church 3 times before baptism and the
15th is Alfonsos 3rd. So he has to come ever Sunday to get baptized
before My comp leaves. We literally were doing everything we possibly
could to get him to church. this is all at like 1012 at night. So we
were pretty much screwed. We prayed and prayed and prayed and fasted to
get Alfonso to church. (next morning) I will admit i was complaining a
little cuz i lost a little faith but as soon as i humbled myself and
prayed for forgiveness as soon as i did we got a call from the
Assistants and they said that we could go to the nearest church with
power. Sweet right! Only problem was getting Alfonso there. We called
everyone but no one would help us. We finally went to a member from the
English ward and thank goodness she agreed! But then we got a call from
alfonso saying that his mom would drop him off! (his car isnt working)
Super sweet right!? He came and loved it. Such a great blessing for us.
Then we went and did service for him the next day by cleaning some stuff
in his backyard. and he told us that his mom wants to invite us over
for dinner cuz she was really touched we did that! And like after the
first time we taught alfonso she got mad at him for listening to us! So
we are super excited for that and we feel so blessed. Honestly hes like
the only person we are consistently teaching but we love it. I don't know
how the days even go by but they do!
Today is sick! President granted us an all day
P-DAY! We just got back from the parade, Totally hot and miserable, and
we are chilling in the city apartments with like 20 missionaries! Its so
sweet we don't have to be back until 1030! We get to watch fireworks!
President Matsumori is the best! But yeah that big storm was supposed
to have like 60 mile an hour winds it was so nuts! I got a lot of
pictures of trees and what not. It was crazy there was like only one gas
station with power so there was a line for like 2 miles! People go
psycho here in MD! haha. I love it.
Love you all.
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