Friday, August 10, 2012

Yeah this week has been much of the same.
So I'm sorry if its a lot of repeats but really we do the same things everyday. haha.
We knock and knock and knock. I don't like doing it but we gotta do it or we will seriously have nothing to do!
We've been driving around looking for town houses and stuff. Just houses that will look like Hispanics will live there. We even look at our map at home and look for streets that stick out to us but when we go there theses houses will be like Huge! Its hilarious. Yesterday we were knocking this door and there was this Hispanic lady walking with her kids. Now the door we were knocking told us to come back at that time. And we saw them in the window and waved at them but they just pretended not to be home... So rude. But as we waited we both felt like we should talk to that woman. And so we walked to the street and by this time shes like all the way down the street. My comp is like "What do we do now?" And i just book it and say "RUN!" So here are two people in white shirts and ties running after a woman with two children. haha. Not a good look. But we have to talk to her We yell out "Hermana Espera!" But then she turns and sees us and naturally starts walking faster! haha. (Our Fault) But so i run and finally catch up to her. This woman was trucking. And we talk to her for like 40 seconds. But she tells us shes not interested... We were both shocked cuz we felt the strongest feelings to go talk to her. So we don't know what that was. Maybe a test of our obedience?
But the Lord in His infinite Mercy did see it fit to bless us. We've been working like crazy with this one Less active family and the son is not a member. So we had an appointment with his yesterday and we talked to him once before and this time he brought 2 friends! And they are sweet and we are going back this Friday!
Last night we had a tough experience. We finally got in with this family who has bailed on us the past 3 weeks. and we taught them the Restoration. The Spirit was so strong but the husband was really hard hearted and would try to talk the whole time and deny his feelings finally i was sick of it so i called him out on it and told him we know he can feel the spirit. And he was totally dumb founded! He had no idea what to say and he was stumbling over his word. But Satan grabbed his heart again and so after like 5 minutes of silence he told us he wouldn't read the Book of Mormon. His wife and daughter we like trying so hard to hold in their feelings. The Mother especially looked like she was gonna cry. But because hes the head of the house they are going to respect his decision... He said we could come back but not talk about religion. So will for sure take him up on that offer!
I wont let them go. We found them by accident. Meaning we found them by Gods Hand.
Love you all
Elder Julander

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