Orta Vez?
This has been another great week. I hope i have them
every week. haha.
So we have been working hard. Talking with everyone
and trying to find more.
We actually have a lot of investigators numbers wise
but only a few that are legit and progressing.
We are gonna drop Blanca. Shes just not progressing
and is just held up on the fact that her baptism as a baby is valid cuz
"She has faith in it" ............
But we gave Jose a date! Hes awesome. So we were
teaching him and as soon as we started he just stops us and says "So what
do i have to do to get baptized?" We were just like um well what your
doing right now. We have to teach you a few more things and then your good to
go. Unfortunately we have a problem. He isnt married!!! We even asked him, How
long have you been married? He said for about 12 years. So were were like
great! But then our member fellowshiper asked him straight up one day and he
said no but they are done with. They want to get separated. So we need to talk
with him to find out what we can do. Praying for revelation.
We are also teaching an awesome dude named Wilson! Its
a part member family. His wife just recently went through the temple so shes
really pushing baptism on him. We had a Visitor Center lesson and watched Gods
Plan. She was crying and he had tears. So i hope he will just go trhough with
it! We honestly dont know what is his hold up! The Lord needs worthy Priesthood
And we had another Sunday miracle! Again on the way to
church a man called us and asked us where the church was cuz he was lost. We
hadnt talked to this dude in a month! We were super excited! He is one of the
elect. He came the the Visitor center all by himself, thats how the missionaries
found him. He said he was drawn to the temple. The only problem is he works all
the time! From like 8 at night to 5 in the morning and then he sleeps all
So yeah thats whats been going on. Transfers are next
week. And i dont know whats gonna happen. I want to leave to explore the
mission but i also want to stay cuz i like this area and ward and i dont want
to go on bike for the winter! I feel like im gonna stay but who knows.
Love being a missionary!
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