Things have just been flying by. Man and My companion cant believe the transfer is over next week! So crazy how fast the time goes.
As a ZL we are always busy. We do a lot of planning which is super boring but it needs to be done. And we have to do a lot of teaching
to the other missionaries. We have been focusing on great topics this transfer. Teaching the Restoration more clearly, teaching Baptism
For the Remission of Sins, (thats been incredible. The missionaries in the mission have been seeing such miracles from it), and Member Work.
We are still learning that one so we will see if it pays off. Also what me and my companion have decided to focus on in our zone is Integrity.
There is this awesome talk by my boy Tad R. Callister in this months Ensign on integrity. It really is a last attribute to have. It made me really check
myself and see where i need to improve. And its weird cuz integrity isnt mentions in the scriptures much and there are no mormon messages for it.
So we really wanna talk about it and become like Job. (Job 27:5)
But weve been doing alright this week. Things are a little slow. Not really a change in the situations. But we keep working.
Our awesome guy Kevin didnt come to church... Its just really hard with him not having a phone.
I still love this work though even in the tough times.
Okay so i heard about the Super Bowl and we were all so upset! I am a Redskin! All the missionaries were mad that the other mission one. haha.
And we heard from some members that people were going crazy in Baltimore. Like huge inappropriate party in the street crazy!
Next year will be our year! RG3 all the way!
Well love you guys. My Bug bite is fine. I had to buy a new pillow... They are expensive. But things are well.
Ive been sleeping in socks and sweats and a jacket and with gloves so i wont get bit again. But im sure it was in my pillow.
All is well in DC.
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