Sweet week.
Conference was so sick! I loved every minute of it. The Apostles dropped some mad cane! And so much was focused on missionary work!
Our ward mission leader is a beast but after conference hes gonna even step it up higher.
Got some good revelation. Just soaked up all the goodness. Also sister matsumori has got all the "ins" with conference so she told us some stuff. She said there has been a huge womans rights push so thats why 2 women prayed in conference. The first time ever! Cuz the church was getting crap that a woman has never prayed before. Even though theyve given talks. Weird right?
And that everyone wears make-up except Elder Perry. Cuz he always says "Marines dont wear make-up!"
And Bednars make-up is the hardest to do cuz his forehead is so shiny! haha.
Claudia is doing great. Shes so solid. Shes so willing to do anything to get baptized. Said she doesnt know if her bf can leave before the 24th. But she is praying to know what she should do. Also found this awesome referal yesterday., She actually called us and told us how much she is looking for peace and so just loved the first lesson. When we started talking about the Book of Mormon she said she already had one. she just moved to this house now like 2 weeks ago. She said when she got here she found the Book in a tote of hers and she had no idea how it got there... She was like "That must be a sign" MIRACLE.
I had some cow heart this week. It was amazing! I loved it!
Also we went to arglington cemetary today. It was so cool! Its a tradition we do for all the missionaries going home within the next 6 months...
And also on friday our investigator invited us to her issters reception. It was so sweet! It was totally legit party. haha. There were a bunch of people there. There was a dance floor, DJ, Alcohol! haha It was so sick! We were the only white people there. We were just laughing the whole time. We couldnt believe that we were actually there.
I love you all so much. Thank you!
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