Been super busy today so don't have much time to write. I gotta fly!
Anyways this has been a great week. We've
had many things to do and a lot of opportunity's to teach. Unfortunately
we haven't been able to contact Blanca. She works a ton so we are trying
to hard and praying much to get her. One of our other investigators
name is Iris. And after 3 nights of cancelling we finally got her to the
VC with her less active boyfriend! It was a great lesson. Super
powerful. Trying really hard to get them married and get her baptized
and him reactivated.
So i heard the best news I've heard
yet! Once of the ladies from my first ward who was less active went
through the temple on Thursday! My heart was full of so much joy. And
then the Other family that we reactivated is going through the temple in
December! It was so overwhelming for me. I couldn't be happier. I
thanked the Lord for everything. It was a great experience to see that i
am here for a reason.
2 days ago i gave my first baptismal
interview! One of the privileges of being a District Leader. It was
awesome. For sure that is my favorite thing to do. He passed of course
and he got baptized today! And he asked me to baptize him for some
reason. haha. I accepted of course and was so grateful for the
The work is progressing!
Love you all so much!
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