been working super hard and find a lot of people to teach. We just
random fall upon people. I guess its not random, but we don't even know
how we get a lot of new investigators cuz we haven't knocked once! What a
blessing! haha.
Blanca is awesome! She has been reading! She told us she read
the introduction on September 21. That's the same day that Moroni
appeared to Joseph smith or its when he got the plates. Either way she
said that was a sign to her that the Book of Mormon is true! hahahaha.
Sick huh! And then we asked her if she believed Joseph Smith to be a
prophet. She said yes as well! Then we gave her a baptismal date for
0ctober 21! Shes so legit. She loves talking to us and she said we can
call her to teach her over the phone if we want cuz shes so busy!. Now
we just need to get her to church! Pray for her.
But we also taught this one dude from Mexico he's super
smart and has read the bible like 5 times. So when i recited the first
vision. He stopped me right in the middle and said this didn't happen cuz
no one can look upon God and not die. I got a little upset and then i
turned to my bible and read Exodus 33:11 and he stopped me before i
could finish and recited it from member. He said yes i know the
scripture. Face to face. Then i was like okay Moses saw him and he said
no he didnt. So you know me i got a little more upset and we started to
argue. I told him the scripture says it plainly face to face. He said no
Moses was looking at the ground not directly at his face. I said no
thats not face to face! He said i know Joseph smith didn't see God. Then i
shared my testimony and he totally shut up. The spirit was so strong
and he didnt know what to say. It was sweet but he still has a hard
heart. Nonetheless he is reading the Book of Mormon. So i hope he can
gain a testimony.
Much Love
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