We have been having such miracles just the first few days and i cant wait to see what else the Lord has planned for us!
Me and my comp are getting a long great. It is a little overwhelming to be with someone so green but hes a good missionary.
We've been working hard and things are good.
I got some inside info on the Mission.
President told us the 12 have talked about missionary service. They said that all MTC time will be cut by 1/3. And that the sister missionary time of service is considering being changed to the full 2 years. Youngmen service will stay the same. Crazy huh!
I had a great birthday. Thank you everyone for the wishes and love.
So Blanca unfortunately didnt come to church cuz she was sick so her date fell through . But we got to teach her the Plan of Salvation on Saturday and she loved it. Shes still super solid. She told our member of her conversion story how she prayed to find the truth and the next day we came by. Shes awesome!
Then we went looking for one of our investigators on Monday but they told us she moved out... LIE. But this girl was there and she asked us who we were. We talked to her for 5 minutes and she said we can come by anytime. We went over yesterday and she is super prepared by the Lord! Its incredible. She told us she is looking for peace in her life. And that her dad told her that day she needs to turn to God and she decided to listen and then she ran into us! Shes gotta little hectic life cuz shes 22 unmarried and has 4 kids. And is living with her boyfriend who is only the father of 2 of the kids. She told us she had a really crazy past and forgets it a lot. She told us she wants to repent and said she wants to talk to the Bishop for help. She loves the idea of baptism and starting a new life! Shes so amazing! Shes got a ton of questions and is looking forward to our next visit. She wants to learn more.
Then we called one of our other investigators who we hadnt talked to in a while. Shes not married and for this cant get baptized. But we talked to her yesterday and she told us that she was so happy we called her cuz she wants to talk with the Bishop cuz her and her boyfriend need to make a decision on to either get married or separate! How incredible right? The Lord has been so good to us and im so grateful.
I owe him big time! We have so many people that are so ready for the Gospel. Im so excited!
I love being a missionary!
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