I am so happy to be back in my old ward. I love this ward so much and have felt the love of the members in return.
There are a lot of people i do not know because of all the baptisms! So the ward has grown in great ways in only 7 months!
The area im in is awesome! We have the majority of the members with a little bit over 100! And our area is huge! The biggest spanish area! We cover the most east part of the mission and also the entire south peninsula because there are no spanish elders down south! We dont go down there very much but have to some times cuz there are some members that live down there!
My companion Elder Gleed is the man! Hes so awesome and we are a lot alike and have a lot of the same interests! Hes very cool and super funny. We have good times in the car! But weve been working really hard. We have so many people that are close to baptism but cant because of a husband/father whose against it and also a mom who wont let her daughter. So we are praying for some miracles because these people have such strong testimonies! They are great!
And pretty crazy thing happened. So do you remember Cristina and Neris from my first area? We taught them for like 3 transfers straight. Well the elderes in my first area were looking through formers and found her and called her and she said they could come over but she just moved into my area as soon as i got here so we went by on Sunday and started teaching her again. It could be a sign. I love them so much and only want the best for them so i hope this is the time for them!
But other then that everything is great! Woke up at 330 today to drive to the most south point in Maryland to see the BEACH! It was so sick! We went all the way to a place called Point Lookout. It was so cool we took some vicious sunrise pictures! Super Beautiful. It took us forever to get down there but it was worth it!
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