So it was pretty much just a normal week.
Weve been working hard and trying to find a lot of people.
We have about 5 people we know can get baptized next transfer but just need a little help.
New years was lame as usual. haha. We were sleepin at 1030 and woke up at 630 and said happy new year.
So not too much of an excitement there. But i got some news. Im a Zone Leader now..........
Yeah so Monday night was call out night and this night before the transfer gets over all the missionaries
find out if they are staying or leaving. And i was super nervous to get called up. But the calls usually come
between 9 and 930. So after 930 i was just fine. We even started to plan for the next day. haha. But at 955 i got
a call from President asking me to be zone leader. I am super nervous but also excited. Im actually going back to
my first ward which im so stoked about! I love that ward so much. It is kinda a bummer to be leaving the area with
a lot of people ready to be baptized. But im super excited cuz my old companion Elder White is going in my place.
Hes awesome and im so stoked for him to finish training my kid. Its going to be a transfer of miracles for them.
I love you all and i miss you.
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