So things have been going very well for us!
First off on Sunday Javier got baptized! So sweet. I unfortunately wasnt able to attend due to a meeting i had to go to cuz im a zone leader now. But its okay. I was just happy he got baptized! I heard he bore his testimony afterward and it was just amazing! So im stoked! He wants me to go study in Colombia when i get home. I am considering it, so we will see...
Then yesterday we went on exchanges and i went with a new french missionary! It was crazy! I couldn't understand a thing. haha. I felt like my first day in the mission all over again! But it was sweet. We ate fufu and Gumbo! I loved it. The Gumbo was a little weird cuz in the African culture you eat with your hands. So the gumbo has to be a little bit slimy so you can grab it and it pretty much felt and looked like snot so that was a little hard for me to swallow but atleast it tasted good! haha.
And then last week we had a member call us with a referral that she knows. She took them to the VC and they watched the Testaments. They loved it. So we went over and we dropped them a BDate! They are a family of 3 and totally legit! Im so stoked and we have been seeing a lot of miracles in the area! There are so many people to teach its insane!
And then today was an awesome day! We got invited to go to another zone for there activity. And they LARPed!
(Live Action Role Playing) It was so fun! Theres about 30 missionaries just in a park with a bunch of foam swords and what not. It was so much fun and we dominated! We played 3 games of capture the flag and we won 2 times. The first time was easy cuz i just ran and grabbed the flag and ran back! haha. No one touched me. Too fast! But then the next games we actually had to try and it was close but we pulled one out. Then the final battle was a free for all! 4 teams on 4! So much fun! We wont the final battle but then they said we cheated some how. So then we had to do it again and we won it again! Haters man! haha. But it was a lot of fun. I learned that none of my ancestors were warriors cuz i was terrible at fighting with a sword. I killed like 2 people the entire time. haha. Lucky i had speed or else i woulda been dead! I was running around the whole time so i just stayed alive. haha.
I love being a missionary!
Oh yeah and it was freezing and pouring rain while LARPing. But we didnt care we were warriors!
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